So we all got this horrid allergy cold this week. First Bliss then Lu then me then Soul. It was so bad we went in to be seen and they confirmed it was not down in the lungs which it sounded like. They have been up hacking all night with nonstop sneezing and running noses. Just all around feeling awful.
But Soul was not really bad yet so we went to the zoo for the first time of the season. We had a great time and our favorite Gibbon had given birth since last fall so we got to see her new baby attached to her nursing away. I was in love with them.
It was a too long day but I am glad we did it before her birthday.
Happy Birthday, Soul! Can't believe she is two already! Hope you all feel better!
Love that last picture. I can't believe how big she is getting.
Hope all the cold stuff clears up soon. Allergies suck. Mine have been acting up a bunch here too although I love the smell of spring.
Love the fashion statement!
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