Friday, May 6, 2011

honoring her heritage...

I have had dreams of this rite since Soul was an infant. I was going to do it when she turned one but it didn't feel right. Technically it should be done her first or third year but it felt really right this year.

It is interesting because when Bliss was a baby it was definitely not something I felt was right for him. For him it felt right to not cut even a single hair his first year. I have cut Soul's bangs a few times but nothing else.

I asked Soul is she wanted a haircut and she said no so I said ok and left it at that. She came up to me a minute later saying yes very strongly. I asked if she was sure and she was.I was worried the clippers would scare or bother her. They did not. I was terrified she would be upset after. She was not. I, of course, shaved my head as well. I then applied the customary paste of turmeric and sandalwood oil.

She loved it all.

She is so breathtakingly beautiful.

She acted in ways she has never before after the shave. She did things she has never done. Her whole mood changed, it was really amazing and emotional for me in such a beautiful way.

She also loved feeling her fuzzy wuzzy head. As did I and her brother.

So pleased with herself.

This is a one time thing for her and while I do look forward to her hair growing back and being long enough for pigtails...she is simply stunning to me. Truly.

I love you my precious bird, my oh-so-longed-for-and-wanted-and-worked-for-so-many-years-through-so-much-heartache-and-loss-and-now-such-joy baby Soul.


Suzy said...

She is so gorgeous! And her new look suits her beautifully - what a stunning child xxx

Shannon said...

Soul really is a gorgeous girl!

MrsSpock said...

She looks good with her shaved head, just like her Mamma!

Anonymous said...

You are both so beautiful!

theclamor said...


Eden Riley said...

Oh my goodness she is so so beautiful. So are you XOX